Sunday, August 30, 2009

Updated life

So, I haven't posted in awile haha. Alot of stuff has happened since my last post, abot 4 days after debating on switching to Ultimatebet, I did. I then proceeded to win the BB jackpot and took home $173 000! don't believe me? google search my Username on UB- Quantom47. My life has been changed. I payed all of my student debt off, I bought an apartment so my GF and I could live together on our own. Got a 09 honda civic and I still have some money kickin for savings and for when I get out of school to put a down payment on a house.

So, my new city of residence- Toronto!!! I love living here I love the nightlife and the city.

But since this is a poker blog, back to poker :) I've always wanted to be a poker "pro" and wanted to make money from poker for a living. So I've been playing live games 1/2 NL at casino rama and am doing quite well. But living in toronto it's about an hour and 40min drive so I decided I'm going to take my crack again at online poker.

The last time I played ring games I got crushed for whatever reason, lack of knowledge I supose. So I recently picked up Chris Moshman's poker boook on SnG strat. I've recently been on UB playing in the step games 1-10 to try to get my seat to Aruba and his book has helped significatly. Anyone that issn't aware of whats going on at UB right now you should check it out if you excel at SnG's. for 10cents you buy in at step 1 and if you finish 1st or 2nd out of 9 you get a ticket to advance to the next step, if you make it to step 10 and then finish 1st or 2nd you win a $8500 prize package to go and play in the Aruba Classic this October. So the next few weeks of my life is going to be dedicated to this and hopefully I can post in the next few days and share my progress.
